Upgrading the NativeScript CLI and Projects

The latest version of NativeScript is version 2.2.1. Do you have the latest version of the CLI installed and your project upgraded? If not…

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The latest version of NativeScript is version 2.2.1. Do you have the latest version of the CLI installed and your project upgraded? If not, then don’t worry, it’s not that difficult. Here is a video tutorial that shows you how to do just that.

Related Resources

There are two parts to an upgraded 1. Upgrading the NativeScript CLI 2. Upgrading your application project(s)

The video tutorial listed above will show you how to do both. Thanks for watching!

Alex lives in Washington, DC. He's a speaker, trainer, and a Telerik Developer Expert. He's been invloved in NativeScript projects since 2015 and has created courses for Pluralsight, LinkedIn, and Coursera.

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