Angular WebView URL Load Detection - I Script Native

In this issue of I Script Native, Gokul, a NativeScripting student, asked how to detect and respond to URLs being loaded in a WebView…

Angular WebView URL Load Detection - I Script Native poster

Take control of your career. Build JavaScript mobile apps.

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Catch Dave Coffin, Nathan Walker, and Alex Ziskind at ngAtlanta in February 2020 for an advanced NativeScript with Angular workshop called  Breathe life into mobile UX with solid architecture lessons. You can register now and take your NativeScript skills up a notch.  Register here.

In this issue of I Script Native, Gokul, a NativeScripting student, asked how to detect and respond to URLs being loaded in a WebView component in NativeScript with Angular.


As it happens, I've also recently been using these techniques myself when I was working on the new NativeScript OAuth2 plugin that needs URL detection when loading a page in a WebView. The NativeScript docs also go into this, but I think it's really helpful to actually see how someone does this in a real app.

So to answer this question, and as the inaugural video answer in the I Script Native series, I've posted up a YouTube video showing exactly how to get this done in a NativeScript with Angular app.

I show more details about the WebView and the HtmlView, and when to use each one of these in my NativeScript Hands-On UI course that's available here.

For more video tutorials about NativeScript, look at our courses on

You can ask me questions on Twitter with the #iscriptnative tag, or by tweeting at me: @digitalix, or comment here. If I select your question to make a video answer, I'll send you swag.

Alex lives in Washington, DC. He's a speaker, trainer, and a Telerik Developer Expert. He's been invloved in NativeScript projects since 2015 and has created courses for Pluralsight and LinkedIn.

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