Cordova to NativeScript Course is Out!

Mobile apps! They are ubiquitous in today’s world. JavaScript developers have been successfully using hybrid approaches to creating mobile…

Cordova to NativeScript Course is Out! poster

Take control of your career. Build JavaScript mobile apps.

ng atlanta

Catch Dave Coffin, Nathan Walker, and Alex Ziskind at ngAtlanta in February 2020 for an advanced NativeScript with Angular workshop called  Breathe life into mobile UX with solid architecture lessons. You can register now and take your NativeScript skills up a notch.  Register here.

Mobile apps! They are ubiquitous in today’s world. JavaScript developers have been successfully using hybrid approaches to creating mobile apps for years. But the pace of mobile UX and the performance demands have skyrocketed, and hybrid apps, built on Cordova started to lag behind.

I know you hybrid developers aren’t about to run and learn native dev skills just yet. There is another option. You can still use your JavaScript and CSS skills to create mobile apps, but now they will be native, more performant, and keep up with the fast pace of iOS and Android User experience updates. You can pick up NativeScript, which isn’t that far a jump, but it will give your apps a big boost.

Our new video course for Cordova developers, Upgrading Cordova Applications to NativeScript, is out now. But it’s not like those other Cordova courses, you see this one will show you the similarities and differences to NativeScript, and then show you how to convert a Cordova app to NativeScript. What’s the surprise ending? It’s super easy! Oops I’ve ruined the surprise.

Here are some of the things you’ll do in this course.

  • Compare Cordova and NativeScript CLIs and IDE integrations
  • Learn about using templates
  • Build a demo project (with included code)
  • Learn about cloud builds with Cordova and NativeScript
  • Covert UI from Cordova apps to NativeScript apps
  • Debug the running apps
  • See how to add native navigation
  • Use plugins and JavaScript node modules in our projects

Course Title: Upgrading Cordova Applications to NativeScript

Description: Hello, and welcome to Upgrading Cordova Applications to NativeScript here at NativeScripting. Eddy Verbruggen and I (Alex Ziskind) are looking forward to helping you understand the basic differences and similarities in working with Cordova and NativeScript, and provide an understanding of the architecture and how the core concepts of the two frameworks work together to build applications. Along the way, you’re going to be learning about things like how your Cordova skills translate and prepare you to build NativeScript applications, project-based code samples focusing on specific features including NativeScript UI components, common non-UI modules, and third party plugins. We'll start out with concepts, and then we'll take a closer look at data binding, modules, navigation, and services. Before beginning this course, you’ll want to make sure you’re already familiar with JavaScript. So if you’re ready to get started, Upgrading Cordova Applications to NativeScript is waiting for you. Thanks again for visiting us here at NativeScripting!

Eddy has worked with Progress for many years. First raising the bar for Cordova plugin quality through the Verified Plugins Marketplace, and now focusing on creating and maintaining NativeScript plugins.

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Take control of your career. Build JavaScript mobile apps.