A Video Tip About NativeScript Snippets

This is another time-saving tip for NativeScript developers. If you aren't using NativeScript Core and NativeScript Angular snippets in…

A Video Tip About NativeScript Snippets poster

Take control of your career. Build JavaScript mobile apps.

ng atlanta

Catch Dave Coffin, Nathan Walker, and Alex Ziskind at ngAtlanta in February 2020 for an advanced NativeScript with Angular workshop called  Breathe life into mobile UX with solid architecture lessons. You can register now and take your NativeScript skills up a notch.  Register here.

This is another time-saving tip for NativeScript developers. If you aren't using NativeScript Core and NativeScript Angular snippets in Visual Studio Code, then you are missing out. In this short video tutorial on snippets, I show you which extensions to get and how to use them.

ns <---

See that? That's all it takes to create entire markup structures in NativeScript markup. Just start by typing ns and the suggestions for UI widgets will pop up.

Here's the video...

If you like this style of video tutorials, you might like our courses. The latest Hands-on UI course is a pretty popular starting point for those starting out learning NativeScript and how to work with UI.

Let me know if you enjoyed this short tutorial on Twitter: @digitalix, and what else you'd like to see in these tutorials.

Alex lives in Washington, DC. He's a speaker, trainer, and a Telerik Developer Expert. He's been invloved in NativeScript projects since 2015 and has created courses for Pluralsight and LinkedIn.

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Take control of your career. Build JavaScript mobile apps.